Carve The Rock, Slash The Peds & Trash The Cars
Posted by TTR on Sunday, July 10 2011 16:40
Since the last news item there has been 2 releases. One which was released in 2010, it's called the Stooker, based on a '57 Chevrolet Bel Air stock car. But the latest big news is about that one in the picture here. Based on a Corvette C3 it's called "Carve It". Both cars have the least polygons needed, but still retain their bodystyle and all the textures are scratch made. Go to the Carmageddon 1 page to download both of them!
Have pleasure with it & see you next time.
Without Bricks A Building Would Crumble
Posted by TTR on Sunday, August 22 2010 16:14
Again it's been a long time ago i created something eh? But here i am, introducing my latest car, for Carmageddon 1. It's based on a '57 Chevrolet Nomad, keeping in mind it wouldn't have to be dead close to the real thing as i wanted a totally C1 styled product. In other news, the Fifi OVER 9000!! truck, it size was fixed as it was a tad too large and didn't include a proper cockpit view. Go to the C1 section and (re)download both!
What's This!!?
Posted by TTR on Tuesday, March 3 2009 17:11Yeah i did it again, a new website to feast your eyes on...
It has been a while that i started it, i took the design of my portfolio and it underwent some graphical changes i had seen on "newer" sites to make mine a bit more "up to date" so to speak.
Everythings done except for the video's page which i will be making while you're reading this..or it might already be up (so go check anyway!) << forget what i said, it's done now!
That is all
"IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!"
Posted by TTR on Friday, October 17 2008 15:04It's been a long while since i made something new, hasn't it?
The truck was made because of 3 things: a model i bought, a C1 car i wanted to make and 'cause there aren't many trucks in C1.
Modded it with a usual Carmageddon style bumper, but still be a bit original, to fit the Carmastyle. I also used new techniques, that are new to me anyway, to create with what i call "Fake 3D". If you look well to the fuel tanks, the horns on top or even the mirrors...yeah actually there just a flat plane.
Here's an ingame picture:

This item here now must potrait a Ford CLT-9000 like this one:

LOL well some of you might get the "IT'S OVER 9000" joke, if not lookey here: